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A new Toyota 86 is under development: Better than Toyota Supra? 

Tasia · Sep 25, 2019 07:00 PM

"We have a new 86 team," revealed by the 2020 Toyota Supra chief engineer Tetsuya Tada when speaking with Motor




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A new Toyota 86 is under development: Better than Toyota Supra?  01

Despite Toyota's local PR representatives insisted that having a development team does not guarantee a new model, Tada has deliberately encouraged a trace of the Toyota 86.

It is promising to see the new sports car developed; it is not however, to witness the debut of it considering the automotive industry has plummeted. 

Nevertheless, the shrinking car market does give car giants a chance to form an alliance and spawned the sports cars like the new Supra, MX-5, and make the Toyota 86 possible on top of the Toyota-Subra league.

Why It's Better Than Toyota Supra?

"We want to make a new 86 that surpasses the Supra... that is what the customer expects," Tada said. 

Tada suggested that the A90 has gained a stiffer body shell thanks to what the team learned during the Supra's development. The A90 also has a lower center of gravity than the current 86.

Tada did not go deeper about the new 86, but there are some speculations we can talk about.

A new Toyota 86 is under development: Better than Toyota Supra?  02

The first one is that Toyota will continue the relationship with Subaru and co-develop the new 86.

Then it’s the matter of platforms. To create a rear-wheel-drive car, the new generation may use a revised platform or a rear-drive TNGA (Toyota New Global Architecture) platform. 

Interestingly, rumors have it that the Toyota and Lexus could share the Mazda’s newly patented rear-wheel-drive platform, or the new 86 may equip a larger 2.4-litre unit sourced from the Subaru Ascent.

All in all, the second generation could transform into a rear-wheel-drive coupe that drives better than the new Supra. 

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